Monday, November 28, 2016

‘Upgrading of Miri-Marudi road has started’

Dr Penguang (centre) speaking during the press conference while Jinep (left) and Rolland look on. — Photo by Chimon Upon
KUCHING: Improvement works on Miri-Marudi road has commenced and will be completed by May 2019, disclosed Assistant Minister for Local Government Datu Dr Penguang Manggil.
According to him, the 44km road project, which is undertaken by CMS Roads Sdn Bhd, will be tar-sealed, widened and will have proper drainage particularly in low-lying areas.
“It will be a fully tar-sealed road but it won’t be of R1 standard. It is R1 modified standard with some modification due to the budget allocation.

“The budget approved by the state government at the beginning of this year was only RM77.4 million. So they (contractors) have to modify the design in accordance with the budget that was approved,” he explained, adding that an R1 standard road for that stretch of road might cost around RM200 million.
Speaking at a press conference held at the Media Room of the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) Complex here yesterday, the Marudi assemblyman said he was also aware of the comments and grouses made by the public on the condition of Miri-Marudi road.
“Please be reasonable as the road cannot be completed in one day. However, I’ve been given assurance (by CMS) that at least a portion of the road would be tar-sealed by the end of 2017,” he assured.
Asked on whether history would repeat itself this year whereby around Dec of last year, Miri-Marudi road was rendered impassable due to the muddy condition and large potholes, Dr Penguang said some maintenance works have been carried out.
“I think you cannot compare what happened in Dec last year because back then, the road was at its worst condition.
“Thereafter, there have been some maintenance work done and SPDP even volunteered to send 50 lorries of stones just to make sure the people of Marudi can pass through the flooded areas,” he remarked.
“The road improvement work is progressing very well and I think the same problem will not happen again,” he assured.
Meanwhile, Dr Penguang, who was joined by Tasik Biru assemblyman Dato Henry Harry Jinep and Meluan assemblyman Roland Duat Jubin during the press conference, also touched on SPDP’s current status, stressing that the party was still relevant.
“SPDP is trying to regroup and we are gaining ground from strength to strength since the last election. We are recruiting more members especially in Marudi.
“I have received very positive response from all communities and recently received around 100 new memberships from the Malay community in Marudi,” he revealed.
However, when asked to comment on whether a certain partyless assemblyman would be joining the party soon, Dr Penguang said: “I cannot comment on that but we welcome everybody. Politics is very unpredictable.”
On whether he could confirm that a meeting had taken place with the said partyless assemblyman, he stated that he was unaware of such meeting.
“But I’m sure our leadership is aware but we three (himself, Jinep and Rolland) are not aware.”
It was reported last month that the party’s president Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing and secretary-general Anthony Nogeh met former Teras president Tan Sri William Mawan during a parliamentary sitting in Kuala Lumpur to discuss on the possibility of the latter (formerly SPDP president) rejoining the party.
The meeting was said to be ‘an amicable affair among old friends’ where it was agreed that SPDP would accept Mawan back without any pre-condition.
Mawan is currently the sole partyless assemblyman.

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