Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sunrich Awesome producing fresh and healthy vegetables

Ding (centre) and Sunrich Awesome staff show some of the hydroponic vegetables.
SIBU: Sunrich Awesome Sdn Bhd is hydroponically producing fresh vegetables for local consumers that are 100 per cent free of pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals.
Co-founder Lina Ding said the company, launched in January this year, has an indoor controlled-environment farm measuring some 250 sq metres at Ding Lik Kong Road here.
She said the farm is able to produce 8,000 heads of lettuce and other leafy vegetables per month, and an estimated 3.5 tonnes of vegetables per year with plans to further increase shelf numbers to increase the varieties of vegetables.

“Given the global shortage of arable land, climate change and  increasing consumer demand for a stable and quality food supply, we see agriculture as being a potential growth portfolio.
“At the moment, the various types of vegetables being grown are the ones which meet the demand of consumers in this area. These include vegetables such as salad leaves and vegetables commonly used in stir-fries,” she said in an interview yesterday.
Ding explained that while conventional soil-based farming could produce vegetables in 35 to 40 days, Sunrich Awesome’s use of LED lights has shortened this to 28 days.
All the vegetables are grown under carefully controlled conditions without use of herbicides, pesticides or heavy metals.
“Indoor urban farming is more likely to attract young people as a potential vocation as the working environment is similar to that of an air-conditioned office space,” Ding said.
The company has started selling its first harvest of vegetables to local cafes, restaurants and supermarkets.
“The production of vegetables is quite good and there is good response from the market,” she said.

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