Sunday, February 24, 2019

記者遊尼亞石洞巧遇考古隊 輕挑細挖免破壞古物

考古專家在尼亞石洞的Traders Cave(貿易者之洞)進行考古工作。











記者了解到,該支考古團隊是在抵達尼亞石洞前,距離大約數百公尺的Traders Cave(貿易者之洞)展開考古活動,洋人團隊非常謹慎及嚴肅的細心挖掘,因為土層較濕及具粘性,所以考古專家是以類似洋灰工使用的工具,在泥土層輕挑細挖,以免破壞珍貴古物。




據本報去年10月22日的報導,尼亞石洞的考古有重大發現!位于尼亞國家公園貿易者之洞(Traders Cave)驚現全球最古老,即6萬5000年前的5顆細石器(Microlith)及5萬5000年前的“現代人”頭蓋骨。

隨著這項位于貿易者之洞(Traders Cave)的發現,砂拉越尼亞石洞及東南亞的歷史正式打開新篇章,即證明了6萬5000年前人類便聚居在此生活。






在考古過程當中,當局共收集超過130個人類及動物骨頭,分別有鱷魚、婆羅洲須野豬(bearded pig)、海龜及魚類等。當局也搜獲多達76種化石類別,其中即包括了細石器。

1958年,考古學家曾在洞內發現了4萬年前的人類活動痕跡。在其中一個山洞中,還有距今逾1200年的壁畫,因此該洞窟也因之得名為壁畫洞(Painted Cave)。洞內還發現多個船形棺木,表明這里曾一度用作墓地。


至于貿易者之洞(Traders cave),位于主洞群的外部,洞穴約有190公尺深、30公尺寬及15公尺高。

都山美景無敵 李景勝打卡留念






李景勝:旅遊部撥款 600萬改善都山設施















Tuesday, February 19, 2019

PPKS to set up College of Smart Agreculture

KUCHING: Sarawak Skills Development Centre (PPKS), through one of its subsidiary companies – International College of Advanced Technology Sarawak (i-CATS) – will set up College of Smart Agriculture (CoSA) in Mukah.
PPKS chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abdul Aziz Husain said the Ministry of Education has approved the project to build the college, which is scheduled to be completed in August this year.
He pointed out that the decision to set up CoSA was taken following a call by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg for PPKS to develop and offer courses that facilitate the use of digital technologies in agriculture.
“Our (PPKS) new campus in Mukah, which is scheduled to complete in August 2019, will be converted into CoSA that will accommodate 700 students, to offer courses such as aquaculture, precision farming and agro marketing to facilitate the application of the latest technology to transform the state’s agricultural sector,” he said.
Having CoSA will increase agricultural output and encourage the development of sustainable agricultural practices by farmers, he added.
He said this at the opening of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) symposium at Pullman Hotel here yesterday, officiated by Abang Johari.
Abdul Aziz also said that PPKS plans to set up an Advanced Automotive Training College in the near future,
which will go a long way in enhancing the range of TVET courses to support the state government’s development initiatives.
At the event, PPKS exchanged documents for memorandum of cooperation with Bendigo Kangan Institute, Melbourne in Australia, which Abdul Aziz said would pave the way to identify strategic initiatives such as education and training, teachers’ training, joint research and development projects.
He pointed out that TVET has gained increasing importance as the government, industry and TVET training providers strive to develop the workforce to support numerous development initiatives.
Minister of Education, Science and Technological Research Dato Sri Michael Manyin Jawong said like other developing countries and to fulfil the aspiration of the government for Sarawak to become a high income society and advanced economy, there was a need to improve human capital through TVET.
For this programme, he said the ministry was working together with other agencies and non-governmental organisations to promote TVET among the community and school leavers in rural areas.
Manyin was happy to note that TVET was receiving positive response and perception from parents and students unlike in the past, where it was considered as a last resort.
Manyin hoped that the symposium can deliberate on using the English language and on quality consistency for the courses offered in TVET institutions to benefit the industry and the graduates.
A total of 23 speakers from the country and overseas were invited to provide input for the three-day symposium, which runs until tomorrow.

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i-CATS setting up university college in Mukah

KUCHING, Feb 19: International College of Advanced Technology Sarawak (i-CATS) recently received approval from the Education Ministry to establish a university college.
Named College of Smart Agriculture (COSA), the new campus will be located in Mukah and is scheduled to be completed this August.
Sarawak Skills Development Centre (PPKS)-cum-i-CATS chairman Tan Sri Dr Abdul Aziz Husain said the campus would offer courses such as aquaculture, precision farming and agro marketing.
“We will be able to facilitate the application of the latest technologies to transform Sarawak’s agricultural sector. This will increase agricultural output and encourage the development of sustainable practices by farmers,” Abdul Aziz said at the launching of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Symposium 2019 here today.
Taking up Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg’s recent call to the centre to develop and offer courses that facilitate the use of digital technologies in agriculture, Abdul Aziz added that this was also their commitment to facilitate the advancement of Industry 4.0 and digital economy in this region.
There was also an exchange of memorandum of cooperation between PPKS and Bandigo Kangan Institute, Melbourne, Australia, at the event today.
“This paves the way for us to identify joint strategic initiatives in areas such as education and training, teachers training and also joint research and development projects. We will also enhance this important relationship by organising joint activities such as seminars, workshops and training programmes, experts’ visits and staff exchange programmes,” he said.
With the support of the Sarawak government and technical expertise provided by the team from Bendigo, Abdul Aziz said PPKS planned to set up an Advance Automotive Training College (AATC) in the future.
He believed this would go a long way to enhance the centre’s range of TVET courses to support the state’s development initiatives. — DayakDaily

Monday, February 18, 2019

Luak Bay Esplanade Food Conner

Fishermen capitalise on social media to seek bountiful ‘bubuk’ spots

A local villager sells the ‘bubuk’ at her stall in
Kampung Batu Satu Fishermen’s Market.
MIRI: The use of social media like Facebook and WhatsApp is now more far-reaching than ever before, in that these applications can even help local fishermen find locations offshore that have bountiful supply of ‘bubuk’ (krill shrimps).
According to Daud Lamat, a fisherman from Kampung Pulau Melayu here, many of them (fishermen) own smartphones and have WhatsApp groups. Whenever one of them spots an area with a large presence of ‘bubuk’, he would notify others about it.

Social media have indeed made our lives a bit easier,” he told The Borneo Post here yesterday.
Daud and his fellow fishermen are now enjoying the ‘bubuk’ season, where a kilogramme of the catch can fetch up to RM7.
Typically, the annual ‘bubuk’ season here is between February and April.
The ‘bubuk’ is the primary ingredient in ‘belacan’ (local shrimp paste) and also ‘cincalok’ (fermented bubuk).
“During this season, we fishermen can only get between four and five hours of sleep as we spend most of our time inside our boats.
“But this is our livelihood, and we must take advantage of the abundance supply of ‘bubuk’ this time around,” said Daud, observing that every time the fishermen arrive at the fish markets in Kampung Batu Satu in Lutong, Kampung Piasau Utara, Kampung Luak, and Kampung Kuala Bakam, there are already long lines of customers eagerly waiting to get their basketfuls of krill shrimps.
A fisherman brings a bucket full of ‘bubuk’ onshore at Batu Satu Lutong Beach.

According to Daud, the ‘bubuk’ caught in the waters off here is known to make the best ‘belacan’ and ‘cincalok’.
Meanwhile, the Marine Fisheries Department has issued its reminder for all fishermen to follow strictly all the regulations relating to their operations.
“We are happy that the fishermen are enjoying great catch this season, but they must also observe strictly the dos and don’ts.
“We assure the fishermen community of our support, relating to the proper methods of catching the ‘bubuk’, which aims to preserve ample supply of catch and ensure that the marine life would continue be bountiful,” said a department spokesperson.

Talib (third right) cuts the ribbon to mark
the launch of DIH Bintulu, as Len (third left)
and others look on.
BINTULU: This division now houses Sarawak’s third digital innovation centre, after the ones in Kuching and Sarikei.
The SMA-Tegas Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) was launched at Naim Street Mall here yesterday.

Minister in Chief Minister’s Office (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Talib Zulpilip officiated at the ceremony, representing Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.
The hub would serve as an inclusive platform to nurture talents, support entrepreneurs and create innovators for Sarawak.
According to Talib, the first two centres have been operating for more than a year and have proven to be very successful in connecting the local communities and expanding the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
“The activities carried out at these innovation hubs have produced several successful start-ups and digital entrepreneurs,” he added.
Funded by Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) and managed by Sarawak Bumiputera Technical Education Promotion Charitable Trust (Tegas), the DIH provides access to co-working space and shared amenities, funding opportunities and facilitation, incubation and acceleration programmes, as well as an entrepreneur-friendly ecosystem.
Len (fourth right) exchanges the partnership document with UPM vice-chancellor Prof Datin Paduka Dr Aini Ideris, witnessed by Talib (centre) and others.

Necessary amendments of the Federal Constitution and Federal Acts

Alex Ling
Part III

Why Tun Razak needed 80 per cent O&G revenues of the Borneo Territories since 1975?
The Review of MA1963 headed by Tun Ismail ended when he passed away a few months later in 1973. In that year, OPEC which had rocketed the oil price by two folds and over 10 folds later was like ‘Manna Falling from Heaven.’ That was the much needed economic turbo charger and national catalyst to build up the financial reserves confirmed by Tun Tan Siew Sin , the first federal minister of Finance to propel the projected Rostov-take off of the Malaysian economy which actually occurred later, as the federal government was barely until late 1970’s able to fulfil and sustain the commitments to the development of Peninsula Malaysia and the federal government itself under MA 1963, but sadly leaving behind the development of the Borneo States for the last 45 years despite the Assurances of the first two premiers.

That rationale was understandable and quite evident looking at the exports and traditional sources of revenues from the commodities such as palm oil, tin, rubber, a handful of small industries, small fishing industries, small shipyards, machineries’ dealers, agriculture, investments, tourism, small scale timber industries, financial institution and including taxes raised in 1960ies and 1970ies and the cash flows required. “I have to grind and bear, cut here and patch there……never enough for the total deficit budgets,” as Tun Tan Siew Sin would say. Sulu attacks in Sabah were costly after the British left, as predicted.

Why promises of offshore oil and shares of Petronas unfulfilled?
Tun Abdul Razak Hussein
In early 1966, that was when Tun Tan SS, under the directive of Tun Razak assured Sarawak that all the offshore oil proceeds of Sarawak would be given to Sarawak provided the Sarawak Capitation Grant of RM27 million [actually only 10 per cent less than the previous year is allowed under Article 109(1) of the FC] was to be reduced to RM12 million and the Special Grant (balancing) of RM 5.8 to be waived under the Federal Rule in Sarawak, represented by Datuk Harun Ariffin. YAB Datuk Tawi Sli, the second Chief Minister, was told by them to explain that to the Sarawak state cabinet. This was also confirmed in ‘The Rising Moon,’ by Michael Leigh. The shares in Petronas was offered to Sarawak and then withdrawn in the final 1975 negotiation at the eleventh hour, confirmed by the DCM of Sarawak, Tan Sri Stephen Yong in his memoir, ‘A life twice lived,’ for obvious reason of the tremendous profit of Petronas with OPEC’s cartel rocketing prices of O&G from US$6 bbl to US$10 bbl then over US$15 until US$120 bbl around 2000 even petroleum tax was at 46 per cent then. US$50 bbl would be the minimum realistic benchmark. As a corporate shareholder in Petronas, Sarawak would know the actual profits even not disclosed to parliament following Singapore GIC. Sarawak would have asked for the increase of royalty earlier and on the right to issue the licences and dominion of its O&G.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2019.01.23 Boosting Sarawak tourism

Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg
Sarawak govt to upgrade facilities at Niah Caves, prohibit quarrying in the area in bid to get Unesco World Heritage site listing  

KUCHING: The Sarawak government will not issue any quarry licence that will affect the limestone caves of Niah as it has proposed through the federal government to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) to list the Niah Caves as a World Heritage Site in 2010.
This assurance was given by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg at the Stakeholders Consultation on the Proposed Forestry Policies here yesterday.
He said Niah Caves have the potential to become a world attraction as on a recent visit to Niah Caves in Miri Division,  he was  briefed on the archaeological evidence of human settlement at the site 65,000 years ago,  based on a joint research conducted by the Sarawak Museum  Department and the University of New South Wales, Australia.
“On record, human settlement in the world is about 40,000 years ago, but Niah has got evidence to show that human settlement there begun about 65,000 years ago,” he said.
Abang Johari added that given there is sufficient evidence to show that early humans settled there more than 65,000 years ago, the Sarawak government has to maintain the national forest around Niah and protect the caves from destruction by quarrying activities.
“I am going to upgrade the facilities in Niah Caves while waiting for it to be listed as a World Heritage Site.
“A Unesco world heritage site (listing) for Niah Caves will give us additional tourism revenue…this is how we can manage our forests and national parks,” he said.
The Gunung Mulu National Park, which boasts the world’s largest natural cave chamber, is the only certified Unesco World Heritage Site in Sarawak.
Abang Johari, who is also Minister of Urban Development and Natural Resources, said in diversifying the revenue base, the Sarawak government is also exploring non-timber forest resources
such as eco-tourism, carbon trading, payment for ecosystem services and community-based forestry as alternative sources of revenue.
“The forests’ cultural, recreational, spiritual and aesthetic values are also significant for both urban and rural population, with about 50 per cent of Sarawak’s population still very much dependent on forests and forest resources for their livelihood and employment,” he said.
On the wealth of Sarawak’s forest biodiversity, he said it has the potential to become the basis for the development of biotechnology industry that could churn out products ranging from nutritional supplements and spices to cosmetics, perfumes and ornamental plants.

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Sunday, February 3, 2019

What are the rights of Petros?

Necessary amendments of the Federal Constitution and Acts

WITH the vesting instrument and authority from the State government, Petros has (1) the exclusive right to re-issue and issue new PSCs in Sarawak and negotiate as dominion of its O&G in January 2019, including all existing PSCs as announced by the Sarawak Chief Minister, and on the carried interest (free shares) in the older PSCs of 15 per cent to 25 per cent to be assigned by Petronas to Petros as the new regulator, and the dominion of its O&G under the coastal states with a transitional period of six months.
(2) The right to impose, as practised by Petronas before on the re-issued or new PSCs with 15 per cent to 25 per cent carried interest, subject to negotiation, apart from direct investments from additional 30 per cent to 40 per cent in the contractors’ companies in the joint ventures with Petronas and/or others — eg Shell.
(3) To form a wholly owned subsidiary company, say, New Sarawak Petroleum Corporation S/B similar to the functions of Carigali, dealing with foreign and local oil companies as well.
What reasons for digital recording on O&G pumps offshore?
(4) Furthermore, Petros has the right to use high resolution of advance technology with CCTV cameras and computer system locked to the pumps of O&G in the production platforms to jointly share with Petronas or independently to prevent allegations, true or false, of spillage, leakage and wastage as happened in the 1980’s of Exxon’s operations offshore from Terengganu-Kelantan, strongly voiced by Mr Lim Kit Siang, as the loyal opposition in the parliament that had caused the resignation of the head of the monitoring and enforcement unit of Petronas. In the open sea, only whistle blowers would know the true production of each platform then.
(5) As owner and regulator in renewing and re-issuing O&G licences and PSCs leases, Petros and the Sarawak government are entitled legally and constitutionally to get all the data from the Data Room on O&G discoveries, reserves of P1, P2 , P3 and productions of O&G fields as standard licensing terms for royalty and renewals or re-issuance of existing licences or extensions of PSCs in future, including the sums and parts, operation plans, new trains, new discoveries, past E&P production records, annual audited detailed accounts and all projections for monitoring and Council Negeri’s meetings.
(6) To work out both state and federal overlapping laws and rules in proper environmental controls in industrial accidents and emergency plans of oil spillage or serious fire — eg using Red Adair and boons at sea for pollution.

Rule of law

Sir Ivor Jennings of Cambridge University, an authority on the constitutional law, has helped to draft the Constitution of Ceylon.
As a member of REID Commission responsible for drafting the Constitution of Malaysia (1957), he has always maintained that it would be the constitutional collective responsibility of the cabinet to ensure that all the constitutional conventions and entrenched provisions of these countries having written constitutions are implemented in full force to maintain the Rule of Law and administrative justice in a constitutional democratic parliamentary system of government.

Our present premier has proclaimed that — and ensured to make Putrajaya shining on the hill as part of his legacy.

What is the proposed modus operandi of Petros envisaged? What commercial experts would be critical to build up a strong, articulate and successful Petros?
Petros should form a strong economist-trained Geological and Geophysics Department with specialists on 3D interpretation of oil & gas for sealed “kitchens,” working with petroleum engineers, technicians and mechanics unit and an enforcement unit, including the Land & Survey, with special boats or drones to monitor with Petronas on agreed shared costs on the drillings, development, particularly on the production platforms, digital cameras and meters locked in the pumps and FPSOS before transporting and marketing of O&G by recruiting or seconding specialised professionals on operations and management of oil and gas to beef up the team.
The objective is for monitoring the actual productions and related activities of the contractors’ companies of the PSCs and valuation on O&G assets and downstream.
An O&G Advisory Committee, including oil economists, O&G specialists, oil finance and fiscal experts for advising the Chief Minister and the Cabinet should be formed and others, if not already in place.
In brief, it cannot be run as a government department but a commercial profit-oriented model like Singapore Petroleum Corporation (SPC) and Petronas professionally and independently.

Why Petros needs to run a trim commercial enterprise but not as a part of Sarawak or ministry like Petronas?

Petros would need to run like a commercial enterprise, working closely with Petronas not as a government department nor ministry but with a tight, trim and efficient, independent, professional management of costs and profits, even seconded from elsewhere at the start with shorter learning curves, avoiding the pitfalls — for example, based on the previous trim and cost-effective company SPC, which built up the upstream within a short time worth US $12 billion from scratch before the sale of SPC to Petro China, majority-owned by Temasek and Keppel Shipyard, which owned also 50 per cent of the 280,000 bbl per day refinery.
Now Tan Sri Merican, the ex-president – CEO of Petronas, is heading the GAS and LNG division of Temasek under Pavilion Energy Pte Ltd in Singapore.
Why marketing unit with seconded experienced management staff is also needed?
A marketing unit and a trading outfit with proper hedging and futures on O&G, working with Petronas, would generate more profit, exposure and experience in the complete horizontal and vertical integrations in due course of Petros operation similar to Petronas with upstream and downstream.
Working together with Petronas or other profit oriented oil companies would reduce the learning curve time and avoid some of the pitfalls in O&G industry to achieve a cost-effective, trim and accountable operation and management of an efficient, profit-orientated commercial enterprise, following Singapore government-linked company, namely SPC’s profitable history, during and after the legal-political settlement is achieved on the O&G resources.
Petros should perform better. Its main focus then would be on the commercial undertakings and developments of that O&G enterprise to make it the biggest profitable company for the state development, working hand in hand with the Development Bank of Sarawak after the settlement.
A sovereign fund, based on Norway’s model, with clear policy and corporate governance would need to be set up to avoid the pitfalls of rich Venezuela, Libya and Nigeria oil companies to safeguard Sarawak’s long term sustainable interest after depletion of O&G.
Would fluctuating prices of O&G affect profit?
Yes, unless hedged. Non-OPEC countries such as Russia, the US and others, are producing over 45 million bpd compared to OPEC’s 33 million bpd.
Russia wants reduction of output to raise price against sanctions. Saudi Arabia needs IPO for ARAMCO and funds for more development. Price will fluctuate between US$50 to US$80 bbl in the immediate future with Brent Crude higher than others, including Sarawak light crude by 12 per cent.

OPEC has to cut productions to save itself against various sectors of risks and maintain its price above US$50 bbl to US$70 bbl and against US’s sizeable production of oil from shale.
OPEC is a restrictive cartel while non- OPEC members also protect their own interests. Geopolitics also plays a critical role.
The disunity, namely Saudi Arabia with 11 million bpd in the OPEC members and geopolitical tensions with the US, Russia and others, would affect the volatility and the prices of O&G directly in real times.
The daily or monthly fluctuations of prices are affecting the royalty or equivalent local sale tax only but not on smart investments in its O&G, issuing and re-issuing the PSCs or licences with terms of investments and commitments which must be stipulated in the licences before exploration, not in the normal second stage of mining “leases” stage for hard rock mining, procedurally for O&G industries.
Has Petros, as the regulator, to issue longer terms of licensing? Why?
Yes. Unlike hard rock mining, the issuances of licences before the actual normal issuances of mining leases for oil afterwards, would not be acceptable and practicable with the participation and carried interests in the contractor companies with IRR of 15 per cent always at the front.
That is the international commercial practice to attract the investors properly — very special and essential in O&G industries.
No one will explore and drill without agreed terms, taxes and others before hand. Sarawak as the dominion of O&G, the licensor and regulator, would be a different ball game, as explained above.
Why correct offshore production needs more proper digital recordings now?
Understandably, monitoring offshore then was not easy to establish unless from a whistle blower.
Due to Mr Lim Kit Siang’s challenge on Exxon’s offshore oil operation of Kelantan-Terengganu, reporting on the actual production, the head of the monitoring and enforcement unit of Petronas from Sarawak had to resign in 1980’s.
There are now increasing numbers of offshore production platforms in Sarawak and Sabah.
“Oil” is a greasy business, according to Jonathan Black. Twenty four hours monitoring would only be possible with modern high technology under digital economy, costing little compared to precious oil of US$60 bbl, but now in terms of tens of billions per year.
Sarawak would need the verified actual records of productions in real times, not over six months period now of O&G and royalty figures, calculated thereof as the dominion of its O&G based on real times.
This is in response to questions from the YBs in the Council Negeri with breakdowns of the sums and parts and share profits of O&G under the PSCs on the 20 per cent royalty for transparency, advocated by PH or any responsible government.
Oil, autonomy and clamour of independence are echoing in the hills and valleys in the heart of Borneo.
Any comment or dealing with Petronas?
The writer has helped Petronas in Chad, Africa. He has nothing personal against Petronas. In fact, on pro bono basis, even not requested by Petronas, he has helped to get President Idriss Ebbey of Chad, in Central Africa, to accept Petronas into the Oil Consortium with Exxon and Chevron after Petronas was rejected originally by the President even with Exxon’s recommendation in the 35 per cent interest in the consortium, vacated by Alf Acquitaine and Shell, earmarked already for Phillips Petroleum and Conoco.
His good friends, Mr Robert Friedland of Ivanhoe of ex-oil and ex-mining group before, now owner-producer of the “Crazy Rich Asians” movie, and Mr Friedhelm, the envoy of President of Chad, helped him to turn the table.
Datuk Idris Mansor, the E&P of Petronas, could not believe it when Tun Daim requested the writer to inform him.
The writer brought the envoy of President Idriss Ebbey to see Tun Mahathir before he retired before.
So, the writer brought them to meet our premier, Tun Mahathir, with the letter from President Idriss Ebbey, before he retired from Putrajaya.
“What! We have Americans in our room,” Tun Mahathir freaked out.
“I …, … actually come from Canada,” Robert stuttered defensively.
“I’m from Louisiana, you know close to the Canadian border,” nervously assured Friedhelm.
“I’m from the border of Mexico.”
“You mean New Mexico!”
“Yes” came the meek response.
Tun Mahathir burst into a warm sardonic smile, wondering why at the mere mention of Americans, the various States of America all suddenly moved their boundaries to the borders.
“That’s quite all right. I’m only joking.”
Nevertheless, Tun Mahathir graciously thanked the team, the President and the envoy for getting Petronas into the consortium.
That was the cheapest Petronas’s acquisition with Exxon management and oil production nine months after farming in for 35 per cent of the consortium for US$350 million, next to Libya with no broker fees nor risk of exploration and expensive airborne drillings in Central Africa, for the proven reserves of 1.2 billion barrels when oil was around US$ 100bbl.
We believe the present PM will carefully consider for the sake of good order and governance, protection of Petronas and its officers to revamp and adopt the Petronas Act, instead of under a public company now, to be amplified later on a proper constitutional and legal basis with transparent, legal and financial structures not in breach of the Companies Act, MA1963, 7FCs and 7PMs, the five tiers entrenched constitutional provisions and Article 76 of UNCLOS, unless approved by the Legislative Councils of the Borneo Territories.

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