FISHMONGER Kassim (name has been changed) called out excitedly to customers at the Piasau
Utara Fish Market.
To the Malay women who stopped by his stall, he was happy to introduce tenggiri (Spanish mackerel) and prawns.
“Sliced or whole before I pack up for
tomorrow,” he said to them. To the Chinese woman who just walked in with
a camera, he recommended ‘pah tiek poh’.
“Madam, the Chinese love this fish, which has good firm flesh and the head is best for soup. Buy for Chap Goh Meh.”
Kassim then walked over to a fish tray on
the table and to the surprise of my friend and I, pulled out a huge
garoupa, prompting several customers to gather around.
The garoupa looked like a little baby elephant and could easily have weighed 50kg.
“I can only cut it up for tomorrow. Just
hooked early in the morning — still very fresh. Maybe someone will call
me this afternoon to sell it,” he said.